Acupuncture originated in China thousands of years ago and is still widely used there even in the operating room. It is a very effective way to help pain, blood pressure, headaches, sinuses and many other dis-ease in the body. It is extremely important to keep the energy flow of the body moving to prevent illness. My husband had very good success with his blood pressure after medication failed to control it. He also has had good results with chronic pain from acupuncture.
If you are not an acupuncture therapist these points are still very useful to everyone. It is believed that acupuncture or even acupressure unblocks and realigns the energy flow otherwise known as chi. You can use these points to aid in bringing balance to certain organs and energy fields. Even though it may be best for another person to apply pressure to these point you can do some yourself to gain quick relief. Headaches are just an example of something you can do yourself and usually get relief quickly. Reflexology uses these points on hands, feet, and ears helping to get good results usually in a short time.
There are about 350 acupuncture points in the human body. Acupuncture and acupressure brings balance to the entire body thus being a whole body approach to any given problem. Usually the points used are not at the area of the issue. There are many charts on the market to locate the general area of these points, I have added one of each but some are slightly different so find the one that you like best.
Reflexology has been used for many year with good success and it uses certain pressure point corresponding to different parts of the body. A reflexologist uses different pressure to these points to open meridians and restore the flow of qi (energy). By doing this it brings balance to the body and we feel less stressed, less pain, improved digestion and feeling of relaxation. Foot massage (reflexology) is very relaxing and after a session you may sleep like a baby.
Here are some charts used by reflexologists so you can do your own reflexology at home. It really works much better if you can have someone else do it. You can do it yourself as well but when it hurts a little you will not hold the pressure point long enough to relief the issue. It is easier to use the pressure points on the hands if you are doing it yourself. These charts should help you relieve minor issues by yourself or with someone else to help you so give this a try you will be amazed at how relaxing it is.
Reflexology Charts
Acupuncture also uses the meridians of the body to balance the chi (energy) so the body can heal.
Since we have a aging population I find that many are losing muscle mass. While collagen and amino acids are good builder we also need to keep the muscles stretched and flexible. Some of you may already be doing yoga, Tei Chi, or working out at a fitness center but a few stretches on a daily basis would improve the strength of the muscles. I try to use easy stretches that everyone can do and most you can do in a chair or bed. My mother was a good example of keeping the muscles strong. She said her stretches daily kept her in good shape and at 93 she was still pretty good.
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