#1 Circulation Herb is Capicum
CAPSIUM: It has been touted as a cure all herb for generations and for good reason. If circulation is improved every cell of the body receives nutrients and the waste is carried away. It is used in many combinations as it will carry the rest of the ingredients to their destination faster. Historically it has been used to increase circulations to the extremities and aid in blood pressure by circulating the blood more efficiently.
GARLIC : This herb should be used by all as it also aids circulation and blood pressure. You can easily incorporate it into your cooking. It also has antibacterial and antiviral property that protects us. Garlic is a natural antibiodic.
GINGER: This is another very powerful herb that aid circulation but does way more. It also aids digestion, morning and sea sickness. It also will be soothing to the stomach giving relief from gas and great for babies if they have colic. This is a root that is good to add fresh to smoothies, stir fry, or slow cooked dishes
BUTCHER’S BROOM: This herb works great on legs (cramps & broken veins) increasing circulation and preventing plaque in the veins. It also helps to open the smaller capillaries in the ears and extremities.
HAWTHORN: Herb that strengthens the heart and also aids in keeping blood pressure under control. It also helps with stress and the adrenal gland. Hawthorn will be found in almost every cardiovascular supplement as it really is food for the heart.
Wonderful Family Of Berries For Better Health
Berries of all kinds are high in antioxidants that protect cells and are good support for the cardiovascular system. They are easy to work into any kind of limited diet that you choose. Berries also contain good fiber that is also helpful for good health. Blueberries being the most praised with high Vitamin C for immune system and inflammation properties.
Do you know that there is a fantastic cleaner that removes wax, chemicals, harmful bacteria and more from your fresh produce. When these are removed your produce will last longer and it will be so much more healthy for everyone. It is especially important for those that have a compromised immune system or intestinal problems. It is so easy to get infections unless you are extremely careful.